Tuesday, January 15, 2008

School Daze

Tonight, we are working on a diorama.

Well, more accurately, I am observing. I helped do the shopping, but Sylvia is doing the work herself.

I like the observing part of the school project. I like sharing the enthusiasm; I like the creative process. But as for gluing the tiny bunnies next to the tiny pond with the tiny trees and the itty-bitty bushes, I'm fine with someone else doing the work.

And, to be fair, it is not my assignment - it's hers. So I can - guilt-free - let her do her own work.

Leaves me time for more important pursuits. Like updating my iTunes. Making phone calls to friends. Checking primary results (I know, I know, the Democrats aren't participating. But I still have interest in what the GOP is up to). Watching American Idol.

But I'm providing critical emotional (not to mention financial) support. That's the important thing. I'm totally there for her. But without Elmer's glue on my fingers.

Win - win - win .... but not for John McCain - !

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