Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ever Feel Like You Just Can't Get Caught UP?

I think I can pinpoint just why I can't get anything done. I have three children, and I'm thinking there's a direct causal relationship.

I mean, they're great kids. But.

This week, in some ways, I've been right on top of things. Mailed off my passport renewal (including a photo that is nearly glamorous - for a passport photo). The office offered to do it for me ... for an additional fee of $35. For that, I figured I could stick all the forms in the envelope myself, thankyouverymuch. Laundry is folded. Wrote some actual letters (read: not e-mails) and put them in the post. Tidied up downstairs. Read an entire book to Sylvia. Grocery shopped. Collected and totaled the Girl Scout cookie orders.

Finished the first tacky novel. It was ... OK. But I didn't have high expectations. It wasn't Shakespeare. Or Fitzgerald. Or even Margaret Atwood (whom I like, by the way).

And those are just the high spots. Keep in mind that I'm doing it alone this week (I know - what else is new?)

So tonight, I can just settle back and enjoy the debate. And Lost. And not feel guilty about not folding laundry or putting things away. Because I already did!

Let's see how long this productive streak lasts ... maybe I'll make it all the way through tomorrow!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I LOVE Margaret Atwood. I'm currently trying to find some way to fit her into my specialty. Have you read Robber Bride? I just read it this summer and thought it was great!