Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

It's been the merriest of Christmases around here this year. For me, anyway - I can't speak for others.

We've had quite the ritual of parties and get-togethers over the last several days. All have been wonderful, and all of them have made my cooking dinner seem redundant. Thus, I have not cooked. No wonder the past six days have been so much fun for me. All of the events have involved good friends, which is equally wonderful.

Last night we went to the 6.30 p.m. service. We chose that time because it was the only one offered. I personally like the 11 p.m. service, but our church did away with that this year. Which is OK with me for a couple of reasons, one of which is the ability of my children to attend church that late and still be pleasant; it is late for the 10-year-old. There are other reasons as well, but we'll leave it at that.

It was a lovely service - very traditional, lessons and carols. I really enjoyed it; I wonder what others thought. Not to worry - I'll hear all about it.

Today was quiet, just the girls and Gary and me here at home. We were a little subdued - we did not spend tons of money or buy lots of extravagant gifts. Which, once again, is OK with me - big presents and blowing lots of money does not make the holiday any brighter. Our girls got what they wanted (we now have Guitar Hero IV, which, Alison assures me, is far superior to Rock Band. I will have to take her word - I have never played Rock Band). Sylvia has a Nintendo DS, Maddie has an iHome, and Alison is getting a new phone.

Gary and I got small stuff - some new sweaters (which we chose in Indy on Tuesday - great sale prices at Keystone at the Crossing, in all those lovely stores we lack here in Lafayette), CDs, that sort of thing. Nothing pricey (unless you count my new skillets - a gift to us from the dog, who seemed horrified that we have not yet updated our cookware). We figured that with a new kitchen and new appliances on the way that lots of pricey gifts seemed unnecessary.

So we've hung around today, played with the kids, just enjoyed the day. Tonight we are eating fondue. Maybe watching some new DVDs. Mostly, just enjoying being with one another. And reflecting on how very lucky we are to have such great kids, each other, stable employment, and no debt.

Merry Christmas, all. And to all a good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great Christmas! All the best for 2009. I may try to call you this weekend.