Friday, September 05, 2008

New look, new blog

After more than two years, hundreds of posts, I decided it was time for a face lift. After all, all those women in my old subdivision were putting away money for their boob jobs - why shouldn't I indulge with a new look for the old blog?

(Putting away money for boob jobs? Says a lot about some people's values.)

Also, check out my friend Gale's blog, linked to your left. Sure, I like it - it's more ranting - even rational - about our new pol, Sarah Palin. I won't say more on that, because I think Gale covers it pretty well. But even if you don't agree with Gale, you'll enjoy her writing - she is sharp, witty, and one of the reasons I am so glad to be back in Lafayette, Indiana. I was sorely lacking in fun women friends in the heart of Texas.

I lied - I will get back to Sarah Palin. But not today.

I don't link to a lot of blogs. I read a ton. But I only link a couple. Partly because 1) Some of the blogs I read are people I don't know that well and I would feel as if I am stalking them; 2) Some I read because they fill me with righteous indignation, so I can't actually link to them; and 3) Some of them are people I really do stalk in blog - I can hardly link to them!

Many of my very favorite people do not blog. Hmmm. Not sure what this says about them. Or me. I won't name names - I'm sure you know who you are. (Peter.) (There are others.) So I will continue to surreptitiously enjoy others' ranting.

But Gale is out in the open. I'm so pleased she has joined the blogosphere. Welcome!


Anonymous said...

I like the new look. Great minds think alike! I changed my blog style last week.

Anonymous said...

I like the new look, too. I know, I don't blog. I want to, but don't have enough time. I will have to just enjoy reading yours. I do like it. Have a good week.