Sunday, February 15, 2009

Weekend post mortem

Valentine's Day gets a lot of hype. Hype that might be difficult to live up to.

I've had someone to spend this day with since I was 18 years old. Every single year since then, in fact. So I don't get too worked up about what the day will bring - as I said, I have someone who tells me they love me, and that's what really matters.

This year we met some friends for dinner. It was lovely, a catered affair at a downtown location with several different wines. Two of the other couples I know quite well; the third couple I know, but not as well. Well, I knew her years ago. Under very different circumstances. So it was nice to get to get reacquainted. In a good way.

Went for drinks after dinner and ran into some other friends. Came home, caught Alec Baldwin (love him!) and Jonas Brothers on SNL.

(Just Jonas Brothers - no The. Thanks goodness I have tween daughters to fill me in.)

We saw The Reader at the movies Friday night. It's been a long time since I read the book, so it seemed they had altered it a bit. Not so, I found after pulling out the book Saturday morning. Though they did cut one scene that, to us, seemed of critical importance. And I cannot for the life of me figure out why, unless they thought showing it might give too much away.

Today Gary and I went to the hardware store sans children, then came home to see the all scatter. So we had another hour to ourselves. It was strange to be alone in the house on a Sunday afternoon. But in a good way. Though I'm not quite ready for the house to be completely empty. Not yet.

That's pretty much it around here. Just feeling content after a nice weekend. Still hating the kitchen, but that will change soon.

60 Minutes is calling ...

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