Tuesday, February 17, 2009

O wad some power the giftie gie us ...

... to see oursels as others see us. - Robert Burns

After my post yesterday, I got an e-mail from a friend,

Oh no! she said. You're probably judging me.

It wasn't her. Which I was quick to point out. I don't really make a habit of caring about others' Facebook friend choices. And I'd never noticed hers. This other one was just especially glaring - to me - because of what I know about both the people involved.

What strikes me as really funny is how many people might have seen themselves in that post. And that the person to whom I was referring probably would not see themselves at all.

It's funny whom people choose to "friend." I have one friend who says she is friends with all her exes. She loved them once, and they have not stopped being that person. My husband, on the other hand, points out that as you get to know people, they can change. And suddenly the can become someone you want nothing to do with.

True. True. Do you really want to be Facebook friends with an ex?

I talked to a friend last week, and he is new to Facebook. You'll never guess who friended me, he said. I threw out some names from college. No, no, he said.

The ex. A particular ex. One who totally screwed him over. More than once.

You didn't, I said. No. He didn't. And for good reason. He's no dummy - the cycle will just keep repeating itself. He went around that ride a couple times and decided to quit while he was still ahead. Click - friend request deleted.

I know one thing for sure: Facebook is making me rethink the definition of "friend." With so many Facebook "friends," what am I going to call the people in my real life who are really there for me, supporting me, filling the role of true friend?

Just when you think the Internet is making your life easier. Sigh.

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