Thursday, April 17, 2008


(Apologies to those who do not watch American Idol.)

She is gone!

I refer, of course, to Kristy Lee Cook, that annoying pseudo-singer who stayed much too long on American Idol. Cheater Girl - girl who sang the same song twice in auditions. Sang it once, sang something else and did not get sent through immediately, so she went back to the first song "because it worked for me." That should have been a clue - if you can only sing one song well, then you aren't that talented.

But we're rid of her now. Yessss. I would be equally happy, at this point, to say goodbye to Brooke (boring) and David Archuleta (annoying kid who looks like he's 14, and every week has that gosh-shucks-golly look on his face). I like David Cook and Jason, but that's just me.

I laugh when I read some comments about who goes and who stays. Bottom line, it is a popularity contest. It is called American Idol, not America's Best Singer. It is all about personality, looks, sex appeal, and charisma. How they handle the stage is part of the deal. Doesn't matter if you can sing if you can't perform.

And apparently, it's all about how you appeal to little girls, those between 11 and 15. They're doing the voting.

I also squeezed in part of the debate last night, but it's getting old. Those two have been in 25 debates - there is not that much left to say.

Much to do today - later!

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