Thursday, March 06, 2008

A Day In the Life

It's March in Texas. Last weekend, the weather was perfect. I wore sandals, leading me to think it was time to head over and get the first pedicure of the season - it will soon be time for sandals every day.

Good thing I didn't rush - the weather has turned chilly. All week it has been cool-ish (this is Texas). And tomorrow it will be very cold. It is rainy and windy now, but it will get down in the 30s tonight, and there is talk of snow in Oklahoma and northern Texas - maybe even as far south as College Station. It's probably the same cold front that has swept through the midwest.

Texans are wimps about the weather, but 30 is actually cold.

Today I had Maddie home with me, not feeling well. She's doing better now, but much of the day she spent on the couch, watching the Food Network. She took notes, coming up with great ideas for me on what we should try. I made a run to the supermarket, and she called me to share some ideas she was getting. Just in case I wanted to pick up a few items.

Which all reminds me of how lucky I am to have the girls I have. I'm sure if I had had sons I would feel just the same. But as it is, I have three daughters. And I love that they share my love of watching House Hunters, of checking out the Food Network, of Broadway musicals and shopping. A son might have shared these things, too, but more than likely, he would have enjoyed sports and jokes that deal with bodily functions. So I'm reveling in the joy of the children I have.

Yesterday was TAKS day, our day of state-mandated testing. Don't even get me started .... their teachers give them a talk about getting enough sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, all that good stuff. So, being the good parent I am (or strive to be), I was up at 6, cooking eggs for breakfast, just as my daughter requested. If this is what it takes to make her feel secure about testing, then I can get up and scramble some eggs.

(Another daughter woke up and said, almost apologetically, I don't want a special breakfast - so she had what she usually has - no problem.)

The rain is falling outside. We have nowhere to go. It's a good night to be snug inside, safe and warm, with my girls.

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