Thursday, October 26, 2006


Makes me feel useless. I'm a whiner. But it hurts, you know?

Had a nice dinner out with Sharon, a friend from Lafayette who is in town on business. (Keep in mind that "in town" still means 40 minutes from where I live ... ) We picked her up at the hotel and went to dinner, caught up on friends, her daughter. It was fun.

Went to a luncheon today; could not get the address to work in the GPS in the car (grrr ... a frequent occurrence, unfortunately), but I knew roughly where it was (at 290 and 610). Got misguided not once, but twice, but I still made it there. Despite Mapquest's claims that Houston is the most unnavigable city in the country (like the double negative?) I can generally find my way around without too much trouble, or even anxiety. It has dissipated some over the past several months.

Chalk it up to progress. And time.

Plus the luncheon was nice, for Reach Unlimited, an organization the sponsors a group activity center, job coaching, and assisted living for adults with mental retardation. It is an incredible place and the presentation, mostly by family members, was moving. I am so glad I went.

The magazine is planning its big kick-off event Nov. 17. Gary will, naturally, be out of town. I was hoping for some spousal support for my career; I know it's there, in spirit, but to have him there in body would have been nice. Maybe in another lifetime.

I'm glad he is doing well. But success is a double-edge sword.

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