Friday, December 14, 2007

Great Day

It's Friday - my favorite day of the week. And I am feeling good ...

• I have gotten bunches of work done today. Turned in some stuff before Tuesday's deadline - score one for me!
• I finally - finally! - received a paycheck for some freelance work I did weeks ago. The editor apologized for a "cash flow" problem in a group e-mail; I'm wondering how many writers they lose next time.
• No matter - I have a hefty deposit to make at the bank.
• Plus now I feel as I am actually paying for the expensive gift I plan to buy Gary for Christmas.
• Fired off a letter to the editor this morning; I often think about it, but rarely actually write them. Having worked as an editor on the Opinions page, I know that it's better to wait and write when it really matters - save your ammo for when you really need it.
• I'm getting the last of the decorations out - finished up the Evergleam, found the dreidel (even though it's past Hanukkah). By tonight, the boxes will be back in the attic.
• My desk will be cleaned up by the end of the day - that is a rare sight.
• I am even ambitious enough that I think the kids' rooms will be tidy by the end of today.
• OK - by the end of the weekend. That's more realistic.
• Still need to get groceries (yuck - job I hate) and finish my shopping. But I have all of next week - Gary is even taking Tuesday off so we can shop together. We do this every year ... and to be honest, it's more about the two of us hanging out, going to lunch. But still, we consider it a day of shopping. That's what we tell the kids.

In order for the day to be perfect, I need to vacuum and drop off the recycling. But being the eternal optimist, I'll consider the possibility still in the cards.

I do love a Friday.

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