Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sad for Sylvie

Didn't feel good when I woke up today, so I sent Sylvia out to the bus on her own. There are 10 other kids and at least 5 or 6 other adults out there, it's right outside our door, and I can sit in the living room and watch. So I didn't feel too guilty, even though it meant that I wasn't there to wave at her.

Slept on the couch til I felt better, then, to redeem myself, I hopped on the elliptical. So now I truly feel good. I am eternally optimistic about how much more I am going to exercise, how I am going to eat better. And today, I've taken a step. Yay for me.

It was a very sad day for Sylvia yesterday. She was allowed to take a stuffed animal to school, so she chose one that her sister gave her for Christmas, a little moose that came with a pair of fuzzy socks (she left the socks at home). She didn't put it in her backpack, preferring to carry it and hold it. When she got off the bus in the afternoon, she was in tears; she had left it on the bus that morning, and it is gone. Poor thing cried all afternoon; at one point she was worried that Maddie, who gave it to her, would be upset with her (not the case).

Poor girl. I held her, and talked to her, hugged her some more. In the end, there's nothing I can do. I called the school, called the transportation office. But it's gone. Hard lesson for her, and it's a bad time to say, You know you should have put it in your backpack; somehow, it doesn't help.

So, in a small attempt to make her feel better, we went to look at some bedspreads for the redecorating of her room. She was jazzed and chose one, though we didn't buy it yet; I can't start a new project until I finish a couple of others. But we have a start.

Watching your children struggle with disappointment, or loss, is tough. I don't imagine it will ever get easier.

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