Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Yesterday I visited our local license branch. I shouldn't complain - the people who work there are nice and as helpful as they can be, and it's not really their fault the line is always out the door.

And mostly I'm not complaining. I got my new Indiana license (and they did not ask how long we'd been here - I was little worried, as I am way past the mandated 60 days in which to transfer my out of state license). And I started the license process on the Audi. My new DL picture is dreadful - for some reason, we now have this rule that one is not to smile, which did not help me any.

But I'm not sure I care to entrust the question of whether or not I'm a qualified driver to someone who tells me "read acrosst (sic) the the top line."

Scary. But I'm all legal again. And I have two more cars to register.

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