Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Another day ...

... another list of tasks to complete. A never-ending list, a list that never reaches completion.

My neighbor's house is picture-perfect. All the time. And, she told me, she does not hire help.

I am stunned. I mean, I have help, and I still can't get my house to look like that. I would love to have everything in order, all the time. And I do ... when I am expecting guests. But today, for example? My desk is covered with papers I need to put away. And the pile of mail. And the magazines are starting to take over. Again.

Yet somehow, when I have a free moment, I just can't do it. I pick up a book instead.

For the record, our house isn't overly messy. There are just some things that need to be put away. But I also need to call the eye doctor about my new contacts (they're terrible - I've switched back to the old ones). I need to work on an article that's due soon, but my source has not been confirmed. Stuff for the kids, shopping. And I need to watch my TiVo'd Princess Diana specials (this week is lousy with them!).

Yesterday I got my hair done. And washed (and dried) a load of towels. Unloaded, reloaded the dishwasher. Cooked dinner. Bought more school supplies (and what is up with Target - empty shelves - grrrr ...). Went to Alison's Tae Kwon Do testing. Ran errands. I was nothing if not efficient. Yet, I'm never done.

Thus I was pleased to run across this article: Eight Things No One Tells You About Being a Mom.

My question: Are there really only eight?!?

Good day, all.

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