Monday, April 09, 2007

Free speech. But.

I'm all for free speech. It's in the Bill of Rights. And I'm a journalist by profession. Thus I am all for freedom of the press. It's one of our tenets of democracy, one of the rights that sets us apart from other nations. Even in western Europe, not all countries and culture honor this right we take for granted.

I've been thinking for a while about free speech, since the Supreme Court heard arguments in that "bong hits for Jesus" case. My feelings there are a bit mixed - yes, I am fully supportive of the kid's right to say what he wants. And I confess, the naughty part of me thinks it's all sort of funny. But it was a school activity, and naturally, the school cannot condone illegal activity (regardless of your thoughts on legalizing pot, it is illegal ... which is a discussion for another day). I'm pretty sure had his sign had a racial slur, the answer from the school would have been the same. However, had it been denigrating toward women, I wonder if there would have been any reaction - I fear not. Or had it had an alcohol reference. And there it gets sticky for me. Alcohol is, after all, legal. Not to those under 21, but none the less, it's not contraband for adults.

Thus I haven't quite made up my mind on this one. But I am leaning toward allowing it - he wasn't actually smoking pot, he simply had a sign that suggested it. And it is legal to publish a book on how to grow pot, thus why not a sign that jokingly suggests that "bong hits for Jesus" might be a good idea? I'm not suggesting I want my kids to carry such a sign - I'm just supporting free speech.

Which brings me to today, and Don Imus. And I don't think he should be fired.

But that doesn't mean I support him. Or even that such speech should be protected.

You have to question his motivation. He is all tears and contrition today but come on - he knew exactly what he was saying. I won't stoop to repeating what I consider to be a totally tasteless comment - he meant it as a pejorative. He says he was just trying to be funny, but this isn't exactly his first offense. And frankly, I'm not going to support someone who apparently can't think before he speaks. He's a radio personality, for crying out loud - he should know better. The after-the-fact crocodile tears mean "oops! I got caught."

There should be consequences for his actions. Which means that everyone who can should boycott his show. Let the ratings slide, then he can lose his job for that reason. As I said, people should be allowed to say what they think. But there should be a price. And Imus should have to pay.


Jim said...

I agree with you on the kid and Don Imus. I'm disappointed that NBC knuckled under. You gotta take a stand even if your view is unpopular.

Anonymous said...

I disagree about Imus. He is an equal opportunity offender. I think the comments probably cross the line, but I watch/listen to his show regularly and he does this with everyone. I mean everyone. I guess if people don't like him, they should not watch him, but to have this media outcry is ridiculous. I am normally a big fan of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, but not this time. I think they are taking these stupid comments out of context. He does this all the time. We don't hear the outcry when he calls Hillary Clinton satan, George W. stupid, and Bill Richardson a fatso. It is his shtick. I hope he doesn't get fired and I hope his ratings go up. Just my humble opinion. Call me and we can discuss further.