Thursday, September 07, 2006

Up and at 'em

In a delightful change of pace today, I got up off my can and walked. Exercise — I truly hate it, but I have to admit, I felt great when I was done. I've been intending to get busy all week, so now here it is Thursday and I am just now doing something.

Part of my change in motivation has to do with the weather; it is much cooler these days. It is still hot here — I think it will be hot here for months, but come November it will feel great. But we're having a brief respite from the oppressive heat, so I can deal with being outside in the mornings. So I hit the pavement, complete with Gary's iPod in my ears, and to the sounds of Elvis Costello walked all through the streets of our subdivision, checking out the houses, seeing which ones have more curb appeal than mine.

So, with the weather as hot as it is, I had to find out the scoop on white pants and skirts. Yes, Labor Day is past, but the 90-degree temps remain, and I suspect they will for a while. So I e-mailed the fashion writer at the Houston Chronicle. She responded immediately — she could tell, I presume, that this was no frivolous question, but of the emergency variety. And good news for those of us with new white pants: I can continue to wear them through the fall. Such a relief.

Sigh ... back to work. And to the vacuum. And the beds. Real life. A nice little break from my fantasies.


Debbie said...

You'll be glad to hear that the Today show has officially announced (via the fashion editor of Elle magazine) that white is now a year long color!

Cindy said...

Just think of the possibilities! But now, what shoes does one wear with white pants in the winter? Yet another fashion quandary ...

Anonymous said...

I believe the Today show's stance on shoes (with white in the fall and winter) is that they must be closed toe.

Cindy said...

But can I really trust the Today show now that Katie Couric has left?

I just hate to start my first fall in Houston on the wrong fashion foot ...

Anonymous said...

I saw that segment on the Today show and I believe it was the editor of Vogue who mentioned closed-toed shoes with white for fall and winter. So it wasn't the Today show people.

Just remember when wearing white, that the fabric should reflect the season. Put away your linen and thin cotton. Choose a poly-blend, silk, denim or twill for the season.