Thursday, September 14, 2006

Lunch with Sylvia

If the size of the grin on Sylvia's face is any indicator, then my lunch with her was a success. She loved her Happy Meal, and she and I had a nice visit.

CFISD is all about healthy foods — parents may not send cookies or treats for birthdays, only two holiday parties during the year. But it's OK to bring fast food to share with your child for lunch?

And today, there's more good news about childhood obesity. I don't see my children heading down that path — and we do try to stay on top of the amount of fast food and junk they eat. Especially the carbonated beverages — the girls would sell their soul for one. And we try to keep them active. But this parenting business requires eternal vigilance; if it's not one thing it's another.

So I took Sylvia a shake instead. It was so worth it to see the look on her face. To be little again; to feel that very sincere type of love, untainted by pessimism and doubt. Childlike innocence — I need to be reminded on occasion just how special that feeling is.


I'm mourning the death of Ann Richards today. Being a big fan of smart, articulate women, it should seem obvious that I liked her. She was sharp and witty, a true force with which to reckon. She'll be missed.

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