Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Receding clouds, dryer days ahead

Or so we hope. The rain has ceased here, but it's in the forecast again, and there are still flash flood warnings for the southeastern part of the city.

Dan Rather is leaving CBS; not news at this point, but noteworthy. His career started there in 1962; it's been a sad end to one of the longest, at one time most well-respected reporting careers at a major network. We've seen a lot of changes in the past year and we'll likely see more. Sorry, but I don't predict good things for Ms. Couric. But I could be wrong — maybe I'll love her?

Heard a story today on NPR about dialects and accents, so I went online to take this Are You A Yankee or a Rebel quiz. My result: "32% Dixie. You are definitely a Yankee." And I even answered one with the appropriate Houston response; yes, I now use the term "feeder" rather than access or frontage road. When in Rome, or should I say, when in Houston. Though I can honestly say I've never been to a drive-through liquor store.

Guests arriving on Thursday, so we have to get things in shape around here. I wouldn't want people to see how we actually live — I'd prefer they see the fake house.

Too bad it won't include a swimming pool and landscaped back garden ... sigh ... this week we can blame it on the rain.

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