But. I am still human. There are other men - lots of other men - lots of attractive men out there.
There is my high school music crush:

Glenn Tilbrook, he of Squeeze. Vocalist, lead guitarist, and half of the songwriting duo extraordinnaire, Difford & Tilbrook. Looks and talent and the early '80s - quite a combination.
Then there's my favorite leading man of '80s movies:

The totally under-rated Aidan Quinn. Those eyes. Loved him in Desperately Seeking Susan, the ultimate '80s movie; then he starred in The Handmaid's Tale - great movie, even better book (Margaret Atwood). He earned a lot of my respect when he starred in an HBO movie with Sissy Spacek about Sherry Finkbine. And he's on wife No. 1, which scores him extra points for sure.
My love of current events and commentary leads me to this guy:

Anderson Cooper. Smart, from a family with a pedigree. I know - I am so not his type ... but a girl can dream, right? It's totally harmless. Besides, gives Gary the right to swoon over Rachel Maddow. I should dock him points for not being more honest, but the fact that he has embraced his premature greyness gives him extra credit.
And then, in totally embracing my inner geek, let me say this is what really makes my heart do flip-flops these days:

Oh. My. God. Keith Olbermann. He's smart. He's got that voice. He's all left-wing and radical, and he gets so inflamed and angry-like when he gets into something he finds completely outrageous, like Sarah Palin. I am inexplicably attracted to him. And then I found out this: Not only is he single, but he is ... Unitarian. He is, without a doubt, the sexiest man on television.
Which I can say - my husband is not on television. He's kind of like Keith Olbermann here at home, just without the intense self-righteous anger. Or the glasses.
Sigh. Thank you, Keith, for making my evenings just a little brighter.
He's a Unitarian??? Wow--that settles it for me. And I gotta agree with you on Anderson Cooper--what is it about these political wonks that make our hearts go pitty-pat?
I know! I mean, I knew I liked him, but when I read that he's a UU too, I nearly flipped - he is clearly my type. And Anderson Cooper .... but he needs to come out, already. What is he waiting for???
Hands of Anderson. He is mine!! And, I am his type.
BTW, no picture of me? You really know how to hurt a guy.
Loved your post, and was thrilled to learn that K.O. is a UU. How did you find out? Where's the proof? Kaye M
Oh, Peter, you know you are in your very own category as far as my affection goes.
I first saw Olbermann listed as Unitarian on NNDB.com. I looked a little further, and there are several references; he, himself, said so on air during an interview. But it's probably more accurate to say he was reared a UU - I doubt he is really a practicing one. But I think we can still claim him.
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