I love wearing costumes, dressing up and acting silly. I like decorating my house, handing out candy to all the neighbor kids. I like the orange lights, brown and gold leaves, black cats, and jack o'lanterns. And while I respect those that don't celebrate Halloween, on some level, I just don't get it. I know plenty of people who are good people, good Christians, who have lots of fun with this day. I don't get how it is blown out of proportion - it's just fun.
But I have to respect others' opinions.
This year was a very fun Halloween. I got to dress up not once, but twice. And I chose the costume that was the most fun this year: That's right, I was none other than Sarah Palin.
It may not have been the most original choice, but it was certainly worth a laugh. (How could it not be? There was sooo much material to work with!)
Last weekend, at the Ninth Street Hill party, I was one of three. We were dubbed The Palin Sisters.

Angie, on the far left (you'll never, ever see those words together - she is actually a Republican), carried her gun and moose, and she brought with her The First Dude. What a riot - he was decked out in snowmobile gear. I didn't even recognize him. Carol, on the far right (again, doubt you ever hear that again), had John McCain with her. (He kind of got forgotten over the course of the evening - we figure McCain is used to that by now.)
But me? I had the best accessory: My pregnant teen age daughter, Bristol. She was a huge hit. Carol had jokingly suggested we do that (she, too, has a teenager), not knowing that I already had it planned. She was concerned it might be a bit too much - Helen laughed, saying Carol didn't know me well enough - nothing is too risqué for me - ! It totally worked, because the three of us shared the prize for best costume. The traveling trophy is sitting on my mantle piece; in February I'll pass it along. Alison won the best non-costume for her Bristol, but she had already left, so they gave it to Gary - but he was wearing a costume, so he was not sure how to take it. No matter - we have two trophies on display.
I reprised the look last night, when JoAnn and I hosted a Halloween party, using our house as the haunted house. We invited mostly people from church, and it was so much fun. Great costumes, lots of karaoke, and a backyard fire for those fleeing the karaoke to enjoy.
Here I am with my date, Joe the Plumber.

And here I am with my friend Gale. Sarah and the Goth - a duo you won't likely see again.

We voted on best costume - I got the most votes (yay!) but think I should have shared the title with my fellow Sarah, Kitty, who was carrying a gun (nice touch). Here we are with the deranged Goth (though she was only deranged last night - I think it's all in the company you keep.)

Other winners included Prince Valiant (the blonde wig was too much), the One-Horned, One-Eyed Flying Purple People Eater, the Die, the Genie, and the Kayakers. Sylvia was collecting the votes and managed to snag a third-place prize for herself (she was an adorable gypsy - who wouldn't vote for her?) And an honorary shout-out to my partner in crime: Mustard, who came with her date, Ketchup.
What a fun night - I'm thinking we'll make it an annual event. I'll even let JoAnn use my house again. We do know how to throw a party.
Happy Halloween!
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