This morning, I've been super-unproductive. I made a hair appointment, took care of some e-mail correspondence. Some was even important. Dinked around on Facebook.
And thought about this:

To be a kid in 1976 - it was such fun. I remember the first time we saw a Bicentennial quarter and how excited we were (I have a couple stashed away, along with my $2 bill). It was the ultimate in patriotism, 1976 was. We watched the Bicentennial Minutes on CBS; for Halloween in 1975, kids at my school all dressed at heroes/heroines from the Revolutionary War. (I dressed as Abigail Adams, then when someone else in my class was dressed the same, I introduced myself as Abigail Smith, the unmarried Abigail Adams =- hello, early feminism!)
My town had a Bicentennial Museum; we bought special ice cream - red and white stripes with crunch white stars in the blue. All the fire hydrants were painted to look like Minutemen.
My mom hosted an event in January 1976, and she decorated in a Bicentennial Theme - she bought several of the little dolls (Ben Franklin, George Washington, Patrick Henrt and the like), had dishes with patriotic images, the whole nine yards (red, white, and blue goes a long way). And I remember the big July Fourth parade that year - we watched on National up by the university. It was a year of wonder.
This is one of my favorite childhood memories, those events of 1976. I hope my kids get to see something similar. Even without the Starland Vocal Band or What's Happening, it will be something to remember.
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