Check this out:
My very clean and organized desk. It's a new look for me - no mess, no paper scraps, no post-it notes, no books, no files.
Consider it one of my resolutions for the New Year. It was on my list of things to do this week. It's not an overly ambitious list, just one big task a day (and yes, clearing off this desk counted as a big task, as it involved filing and organizing the cabinets-that-are-so-good-at-disguising-clutter.
This desk is great - I love the streamlined, Swedish modern look. But it really only works if it is kept tidy. Thus I'd like to keep this room looking great and not have to go into mad-panic-cleaning mode whenever we have company, as this room, my office, doubles as our guest room. If I had chosen to, I could have included a second shot, one that shows the very neat and organized bookcases (well, they always look that way - how can bookcases be disorderly?) and the general absence of miscellaneous paraphernalia throughout the room. But I'll let you use your imagination.
You can just stare at my desk and enjoy the calming effect of space.
In other news today:
• I'm glad I tuned into the repeat of Saturday night's debate yesterday (thank you, NPR) as I had missed bits of it. Several thoughts, among them:
I don't always disagree with Ron Paul - he is essentially a Libertarian, and I respect him/them for the consistency. However, he/they do not want ANY government spending, and I'm not sure that's an idea I can totally support - no libraries? no support for schools? no assistance of any kind? That might sound extreme, but essentially that's their bottom line.
And I'm curious about Mitt Romney's statement that the group who really lacks health insurance is those who make more than $75,000/year - I'd like to see the documentation on that.
• My husband finally got around to hanging our above-the-fireplace artwork - no photo, but maybe some other time. It's not a piece of wrought-iron scrollwork, but don't tell my HOA, as I think it's required decorating here.
• My husband is great. Even though he, once again, loaded dirty dishes on top of the clean dishes in the dishwasher. He means well, but he really cannot tell the difference. Nor look at the indicator light on the door. Nor think to ask me. But he is always properly remorseful.
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert come back tonight - I'm looking forward to it!
That and enjoying my very clean room. Tune in for further installments: Tidy pantry, organized linen closet, straightened wrapping paper closet.
All in good time, folks, all in good time.
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